Okay so ping roles for costume server roles

i know its a bad idea,but i suggest that people could get a special role everytime somebody creates a special cs,they will get a ping alerting them for new cses,i suggest the placement of the place to pick the role will be a pinned comment in the actualy cs discord channel,so if helper and other people will create cs,they will ping the cs alert people and they will come.one thing the option to ping the role will be avilable to helpers and people with the rank above.

if this is a suggestion why isnt this in #suggestions?


I didn’t really get what you were trying to suggest, can you refrase it plz?

i think they’re saying

Add a reaction role so people can get pinged when there is a new cs available.

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Don’t forget to vote for your own suggestion. :smiley:

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Not sure if mods can close it or not

Since Hive+ can make custom servers now, it’d be chaotic when there’s like thousands of people who have the ability to make custom servers pinging you to join each and everyone’s servers

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