Ok get this:
U guys all know that the hardest stone in treasure is the endstone. We usually use it to defend our treasure, but the iron pickaxe can break it really fast. So I decided that it will be more fun if we add a new blocks and some more items to make this game more FUN .
u guys probably know obsidian is the second hardest constructed in the Over world. The reason I want to add obsidian because we can use it to make our treasure more safe and fear the enemy that it’s really hard to get our treasure.
- bomb breaker:
For the bomb breaker, yes! It’s can still break it but I can’t break a lot of blocks like wools and woods. One bomb breaker can only break 5 obsidians.
-Diamond pickaxe/tools:
So let’s pretend u are the enemy and u saw a cute little treasure and u really want to break it BUT! Your opponent had use there obsidian to cover that treasure and u don’t know how to get it. I was thinking of that too. Then an idea bright in my brain! That the diamond pickaxe can break obsidian. So I decided that if u add the obsidian into treasure wars u have to add the diamond pick axe too. But they can’t break obsidian very fast so I think u should enchanted it so it can break obsidian faster.
-About the diamond axe:
I think u guys should not add the diamond axe cuz it can break woods really fast.
32x obsidian would cost 10 diamonds.
1x a normal diamond pickaxe would cost 8 diamonds
1x diamond pickaxe with efficiency 1 would cost 10 diamonds
1x diamond pickaxe with efficiency 3 would cost 4 emeralds
1x diamond pickaxe with efficiency 5 would cost 7 emeralds
Ok hope u guys enjoy and vote me because this is my first seriously post.
I’m not good at English, if u guys see any of my mistake just comment so that I can know and fix it.