No spam clicking!

I’m a Nintendo all the way and it gets frustrating when all you can do is let them kill u the way they attack those pc players :rage:
Like i can’t attack back at all any tips? Plz helppp it’s so annoying
Also friend me my name is SmpForZelda or S’mpForZelda thanks so much-
All the best
Simping_For_Zelda Out

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As a Nintendo Switch player, I say this is best to be left alone. All PvP games are about how many times you can hit a player. That’s how you win. Otherwise, PvP games just wouldn’t be what they are right now. SBMM mainly solves this, but I agree that it needs to be improved.


Yeah true true only a bit

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Sadly spam clicking is a way to pvp. Id recommend learning skills such as walking backwards when someone is getting a combo on you. This allows you to try to fight again and hopefully get a combo on them instead. Try to get on lower ground than your opponent, this will make their hit reach less, allowing you to hit them back much easier. One more thing you could try it only fighting when there’s a wall behind you, so once they start hitting you you won’t take any knockback and they’ll get closer, allowing you to hit them. There’s a lot of other things that will help but they do take practice, like snowball combo, bow combo, web placements, and boom box placements.

The Hive does need to give SG a update, hopefully that will bring in more players for PBMM to be active. That would help a lot with this issue, but wouldn’t completely fix it. I’ve personally gone to the extreme and suggested they remove duos, so then at least solos will have enough players for PBMM to be active. They will remove PBMM eventually and make it input device based match making, that’d solve the most problems, besides it not having enough players to be turned on.


Yes yes! That would be so helpful


I do not understand?

you deleted the replay of the ONLY time you won?

I’d say spam clicking is fine but doubleclicking isn’t, hive should include a dc prevent pack when they make people download packs to join. Automatically getting to double your cps simply because you’re using a mouse is extremely unfair.


As a Nintendo Switch player, I can confidently say I do not find this a problem at all. Yes, there are going to be PC players that are a lot better than you, and that’s just how it is. Honestly we should be glad MC is even on Switch, since it barely runs well. I have a good amount of ranked switch pvp experience, but even so, you’re asking Hive to either change their PVP entirely or you’re asking everybody to change their playstyle. There is a counter-method to every playstyle on Hive, literally every one, and maybe some of them aren’t too practical, but they’re still there. Just get better imo

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true. I am nintendo and I can pull of crazy combos so… wolfpower can too :smile:


So let me get this straight you want to remove the most integral part of pvp I understand your a switch user I used to be one myself it sucks but what your saying isn’t reasonable. AT ALL. You are asking hive who doesn’t even own minecraft to rework the combat system from scratch just so you can win a match of Survival Games? If there was a downvote I would click it. Awful Suggestion.

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I would said it differently but yeah i agree with Meowser, as a switch player myself.

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Yeah, seriousily