New weekly item: Teleportation Spellbook


Once used, it will teleport u to a random part of the map. Can be found in mystery chest and ender chest. It would work similarly to the colour teleporter from block party, but the spellbook teleports u randomly instead

Or the item could be in a form of a cookie instead
When used, theres a 1 in 5 chance of teleporting the user into the void


@Blockbyblock98: made the cookie idea
@zPark3r: made the idea where it would teleport you into the void

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Is this supposed to be useful or a troll item like the Nemo?

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Its supposed to be a useful item cos it allows the player to teleport randomly which can be used to escape from danger sort of, its like a mix between a chorus fruit and e pearl


To use it it takes 3 seconds to activate and you eat it and its a teleportation cookie

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why a cooooooooookie?

@Blockbyblock98 Its not really a cookie, its more of a spellbook. By mix i meant like the ability of a chorus fruit teleports randomly and ability of e pearl allows teleportation combined into a spellbook, kind of like a dragon egg where it teleports randomly when u click on it


Um actually he was suggesting an idea for the post @SpringPea100

sorry for the ping

Oh, i see, maybe in a form of cookie gives a bit more variation

No worries


:bulb: wait i got an idea: what if there’s a one in 5 chance to be teleported into the void so that it’s not like the chorus fruit problem

also @SpringPea100 if you do include the idea please do this (copy and paste)

@Blockbyblock98: made the cookie idea
@RekAxolotl75: made the idea where it would teleport you into the void
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BRUH look in here

secret image

Eh it would be slight different from that, cos the spellbook or cookie is a combo of that and chorus fruit

Also unlike that item, u just need to right click or eat the item instead, and u dont need to throw it