New update to Bows

When you shoot someone the person I think should be alive and not dead the person who shot them should go to the graveyard not them , It’s to prevent griefing

I really have no idea what I said, but I think I do.

I don’t see a need for this. It’s fine just the way it is.
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I think they mean if you shoot an innocent only you die but that breaks everything and i think its fine what if you actually think theyre the murderer

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well it’d still prevent griefing, since if you’re teaming and you try and shoot the last player to help your teammate win (which is surprisingly common) then you just make the mm win the game.

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Innocents/the Sheriff have player agency to make these decisions which could end the game by getting the murderer or assisting the murderer by accidently murdering your own people and yourself. If only one person died from an innocent shooting innocent, it’ll make the murderers life harder.

Also, if you are the Sheriff and shooting innocents, the innocent (the sheriff just shot) can just pick up the bow and resume like nothing happened which would feel weird.

It’s just my opinion though, what do you think?


the first point you made is far more worth it, most murderers still have it easy since if you kill everyone before they can get 10 coins it doesnt matter as long as you also still have the skills to kill the current sheriff… one extra innocent really wont be a problem in the long run.
and on your thoughts about the sheriff dying and the innocent just being able to take it? well, that’s no longer the sheriffs problem if they are dead. just do better with your judgement before shooting someone.

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This is easier said than done. Killing all 15 players before they get 10 coins in a map is not impossible but very difficult taking into consideration how RNG Dependent this concept is since the coins are almost RNG in itself. Additionally you have factor in the size of the map and the coin congestion of the map as well, additionally factoring in for player activity.

To be clear of course I do not think this suggestion would fit well overall. The shooter and the inno both dying serves as a consequence to poor judgement and if this wasnt in effect the game would become guess and check. A sheriff has enough shots to shoot every player before the time runs out and then taking into perspective as any inno player, an inno shooting an inno without one dying can potentially be misconceived as a throwable.

Overall this feels like more of a hassle than anything and a massive buff to the Innocent/Sheriff alignment while making it unfun not only for the murderer but for all players as this would encourage shooting just anyone without thought.