New roles in Murder Mystery 🔪

More roles in Murder Mystery? :hocho:

I have 2 ideas for new roles:

No 1: The Doppelganger
the Doppelganger can create up to 2 clones of itself to distract the murderer, can be placed every 10 secs, cooldown 25 secs.

No 2: The Lifestealer
the Lifestealer can take the lives away from the gravestones in order to gain an extra life, can only gain an extra life after taking away the lives of 8 graves.

Both Innocent roles 1 role in each server
I hope you like idea and I am looking forward to seeing it in action :saluting_face::honeybee:

That’s all from me. :hocho:

Don’t forget to vote for me guys
Murder Master Ethankenno :pray:t3::hocho:

Hey welcome to the fourms! :beedance:
I really like this idea so VOTED

Welcome to the forums! :beedance:

I think these would work better as map gimmicks, like a graveyard map for extra life.

Maybe aswell as the doppelganger theres the ditto that after 10 seconds can morph into a random player skin but thwy can also pass on the ability by running through another player or something? Oh and also a furret that if it stops walking it dies but if it doesnt stop walking it stays alive forever…

This is a good topic, why not create it as your own topic?

Becuase i normally forget and dont bookmark it

Honestly I’ve been wanting new roles for a long time, every game feels boring😩

I think this would be a good idea for a separate mode in murder mystery
because I think we should still keep the original one, but it would be nice to have a new mode that you can play.


Welcome to the fourms @Savina875 :beedance: :cubee: :beedance: :cubee:

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We do need more roles in Murder, and these are some good ideas. Voted :beedance:

I propose a photographer role, who at the beginning of the game has a camera.

Can you imagine that you see the murderer with the sword in his hand and with one click you can capture the evidence?

When taking the photo, the photographer will be able to hold the photo in his hand and show it to whoever is in his way, like when a referee cautions a soccer player (more or less)

To balance its use I propose some rules:
-limited use (being able to capture 1 or 2 photos maximum)
-exclusive use on certain maps (preferably not on the castle map)

The role of photographer might sound unfair, but you know, I doubt that an expert assassin would make the mistake of exposing his role in front of the photographer.

And it is also easy to describe the murderer’s skin in the chat, which could make the role useless, but I have almost never seen someone report the murderer in the chat, and I am not exaggerating.

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Where did you say this before??

I just changed my suggestion to a safer post, in case Splodger shut down the thread. In fact, I have another suggestion role, would you like to read it?

Sure! they should really merge every single mm role post…

The role of “Doctor” also occurs to me.
By clicking on a grave, you can see how long the victim has been deceased.

Imagine that you are a doctor and that you approach a tombstone, you click, and it says:

              AngusTiado92, died ago 
                       2:36 seconds 

What good is it for you to know this? Imagine that you find a corpse that says:

            Perenganito4EVr, died ago
                      00:07 seconds 

And next to the corpse you see someone nearby. What could you deduce from this? Wouldn’t you think suspicious?
Now, suppose you find another corpse and the situation repeats itself, and you see the same person you saw before. What could you deduce now? what is coincidence?

It might seem like an unbalanced role, but as I said before, a skilled assassin wouldn’t stay near the tombstone.

And to make the role more balanced, I propose that the role be unique. That no one else can inherit the role, as happens with the role of sheriff.


Maybe add this as a weekly role? Since it will be more fun and good to play, maybe those 2 roles in weekly will be perfect, voted!

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I had thought that the role of photographer and doctor would be unique, that is, that no one else could inherit the role when killed, as happens with the role of sheriff.

This could perhaps help balance the game. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think it would be fairer for the murderer. And so MAYBE you could keep all the roles in a single game