New region please

Can yall please create a south African region because I met a few south African gamers and we lag and it could also help people that lives close to Africa please we really need it

That would take money and time to set that up, and right now The Hive team are doing everything they can to expand their servers to different regions.


Okay thanks I’m just very laggy my hits don’t register I can’t place blocks properly :pensive: I have 300 ping I just wish there was a way​:disappointed: thank u tho

yeah what he said

and if they are going to add a new region, there’s a good chance it might be oceania or smth


I just wish u understood

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If their enough players in South America, then the hive would consider it

Sadly their not enough from what I seen
So use a VPN for now

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How would a vpn help them? Their issue is ping being high, causing lag. Also, they said South Africa, not South America


Ooop… I forgot the hive blocked VPNs

But yeah the same answer still applies to South Africa

But maybe oceania or smth will have better support for south Africa

But how would a vpn help him? They don’t magically transport you to the country you’re pretending to be in, so it wouldn’t help his ping at all

I just said the hive blocked VPNs

Tnx for understanding

Ohh yeah I see what u mean

Hello :wave:
Thanks for taking your time and suggesting. Currently, we don’t have any plans on adding a new region, but, maybe sometime in future :slight_smile: