New power up!

A new power up, This power up is rare but game changing, just like skywars. This power up is The (Knocback Nemo) . It can be used to eliminate poeple in match and, it whould be funny to see that people manage to leap to the color but they nemo them out. It is simple and it makes the game more fun!

You can already use them in custom servers but I think it would be annoying if you just get hit off when everyone is on the same platform.

I Think that will be ruined the game! Nemo in skywars is already a nightmare :sob:

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As slink said, its already in a cs and this really wouldn’t make the game more fun but it will make it 10x annoying imo

Well but many people have mentioned it before and unfortunately Hive won’t add it(but you can use it in custom server).

We don’t need more nemos in more games.


But you can run from Nemo in skywars. In Block Party, you don’t have anywhere to run


But he is right, the knockback nemo doesn’t need to be everywhere.


I know but still annoying tho

that was me before i realised having a nemo in tw would be a bad idea