This new pet is obtained when we buy the skywars collecter bundle. We get the Pegasus pet and mount . It whould be easy to make it becouse we have the model and it whould make people more buy the skywars collecter bundle.
I like the idea of a pegasus mount, but not with the skywars collector bundle.
just make it smaller. the mount as a peg asus way too big to be a pet
They could maybe make it a baby Pegasus.
it would be cool BUT they should not be making 15$ pets or hats they should be working on game modes
Someone correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t it take more time to code the gamemode than to make the models? Also I believe there are different devs for gamemodes and cosmetics, so this shouldn’t slow the development process on any gamemodes. (Again, please correct me if I’m wrong.)
Not really, someone still needs to do the models and cosmetics for the gamemode, right?
Also, what if it doubles as a mount and a pet? that could be interesting.
Maybe the Pegasus could be a Mount since it is big. Just an idea.
Maybe the pet could be a BABY PEGASUS!
That would be cute just has to be big enough for players to ride it.
That was my idea aswell although just months later
Awesome idea, voted!