New MM map..?

I think we should have a new Murder Mystery map that would bring back memories of the arcade. It will be called, “Mailbot HQ”. You would run around a futuristic map with MailBots selling different items to help you on your quest of victory!
What do you think? :thinking:

Yeah! Mailbot deserves better than a tiny old hut.


OFC! This would be a great reminder of the Arcade! (R.I.P June 3rd, 2022 - August 5th(?), 2023)

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My favourite memory of the Arcade was finding the Golden Mailbots, and it was worth it!

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My favorite was the Capybara event.

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Maybe there could be elevator teleporters that teleported you to the 2nd floor? And either the Monorail Bot or the Business Bot was standing next to it?
