New Map for SG (based on Winter War)

Add a map based on the Winter War Between the Finns and Soviets

More info:
This map would be in a snowy forest (somewhere in Finland) it would have a spawn probably next to a platoon of knocked out Soviet T-28s, or something that revolves around it, and through out the map there could be abandoned tanks that have loot, or fan powered ski mobiles used in the war with loot, maybe some accurate buildings nearby. This map could introduce some people to the Winter War, and encouraged people to look into the war, perhaps the map could be named after a battle, location, or simply Winter War.

I don’t think they should specify the occasion but a map about war in the winter would be cool, take my vote.


All the current maps are pretty green so I like the idea of having a different environment.


wInTeR mApS pLeAsE


I think adding a new sg map would be great!

this would be interesting.

thanks for bumping, this really needs adding

Bump again.
Something like this could be added for the during the Holidays or something.