New kit: The creeper

So boomboxes are annoying sometimes . So, I will fix it!

The creeper: Blast protection 4 iron cheastplate; 2 of kb boom box and 2 boom boxes

Pls vote I work very hard cause I on controller :video_game:

in what way?

what would the ability be?

so youre saying we should vote because you work hard playing on controller against controller players? I play controller and win fights against pc players. try playing mobile against a pc player


so your solution to fixing boomboxes being annoying is to make a kit… THAT HAS BOOMBOXES IN IT WH-

um, okay?

Although it is a good kit I’ll vote when I can :+1:


That’s not really an excuse for someone to vote for your post. Other than that, I think the kit is pretty good.


Pretty good idea! You have my vote.


I have Xbox

Your acting like my 3rd grade teacher lol

Every time I see this I laugh

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I have I get rolled every time. Me::tired_face:

It’s literally called “Constructive Feedback”. It’s not like we’re hating on you, we just would like to understand what you are talking about.

I dare you to fight Evident

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Okay, just stop. You are adding nothing to the conversation and just making people mad, making them write “rudely”. I’m sorry if I am sounding a bit angry, but it is the sad truth.


Sorry I will stop

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I am not acting like that

kinda are tbh do it on discord at least


bad english trap

Bruhhhhhh why do u always mention evident???


Ehy don’t copy!
Apart from jokes, @ImNotBritish107 is right, please stop writing rudely and comment only to make constructive ideas to the post!


my purpose has been fulfilled.

oh u in third grade? i actually feel kinda bad about some things i said sorry :slightly_frowning_face:

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thought he was older

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