this is a draft from maybe a year ago I left the fanbase recently but got reminded of this draft
in order of what I think would be the most influential, not by personal preference
nerfs and big game changers are not my place to implement as they would be mostly controversial, but I think all of these items would be widely accepted and balanced.
I understand you don’t want to add too many items because you want to keep the game simple and easy to learn for kids, but (especially during endgame) the ctf meta is terrible and unfresh so consider adding at least 2 or 3.
note that I not only welcome you but encourage you to change the prices at will.
quick list (for casual readers):
golden apple: just like a normal golden apple
splash potion of slowness: a splash potion to splash on people chasing you
leap: the item in deathrun or block party
glass: normal glass block but blastproof
- fireball: a normal fireball
radar: a way to find people by right clicking on it
item list:
glass x 16 (30g)
used as a way to guard the flag efficiently. The mining speed I imagined to be like vanilla glass, but it can be longer or short or faster with a pickaxe: it doesn’t have to be glass. I’ve always been disappointed that flag defenses aren’t a viable strategy as they can be blasted away at the cost of 75 gold, my solution was a block that is blastproof but at a cost: being transparent, to exposed hiders defending inside (unless they add a second layer). I also see this as a solution to attackers also hiding in the defense which I thought wasn’t a strategy that should be rewarded.- fireball (75g) only to be implemented with glass
used as a way to clear blocks. I would recommend having it do minimal damage and not to add it if you don’t add glass block otherwise it would probably be abused considering the cost. This is similar to the potion of slowness.
- fireball (75g) only to be implemented with glass
golden apple (40g)
used as a small advantage before a pvp fight or if you fancy a health regen during a fight. Don’t be scared to make the regen “overpowered” as running and waiting for health reset is just as good (if not better because there is no cooldown). -
diamond armor (300g)
used in pvp fights. gives 3/4 the advantage to an iron-armor diamond-sword player as the latter gives to a beginning player. probably a very end-game item unless a complicated strategy develops, and even then the strategy would probably be very balanced. -
ender pearl (150g)
can be used either as a getaway or an infiltration device, or both. the reason for the high cost is because of how flexible the item is, even though it’s probably only as good as a leap. This has probably been suggested before, but I also think it is a good idea and would provide some end-game variability. -
potion of slowness (75g)
used as a way to escape opponents chasing you, a more expensive version of the speed berries. I say in other item descriptions that I don’t like running but if running comes at a cost and can be prevented, I’m all for it. If you can make it so, I would like if the speed berries cancel the potion out otherwise this potion might be annoying and make the meta repetitive. -
chorus fruit (40g)
used as a panic food to get away -
radar (100g)
used as a way to find hiders or look ahead. There are many ways you could implement this like having a cooldown or increasing the price, but the solution I found to be the most skillful and balanced was to hold the use button down for further range. I personally wouldn’t mind there being no indicator (besides maybe a bar) but if you want to cater the game towards less skillful players a semi-opaque sphere would be satisfactory. -
leap (60g)
used as a way to catch up to runners without letting them block you off, I even considered lowering the price and you might too just to combat running. seen this proposed on the forum before; this is the same item used in block party and deathrun.