New Hub Title Idea: Cutting Edge Technology! 🚀

Idea/Suggestion :bulb:
I think it would be fun if the Hive added a new Hub Title that you can obtain by Searching around the Hub like the “Dora the Explorer” Hub Title. But this time, it would not be in the Old Hub, instead you can find it in the Arcade Hub!

Where can it be located? :world_map:
Like the “Dora the Explorer” Hub Title, it’s position changes whenever the Map changes, it’s NPC will look similarly like B-12 from the popular game “Stray”, but of course, with a Mailbot Twist and a few changes. (Why do I feel like Mailbot is the BnL of the Hive Universe?) The NPC can be sometimes located at the Hub Parkours, Trees, Buildings, Roads, Etc.

What will the Hub Title Look Like :question:

Cutting - Dark Blue (:large_blue_circle:)
Edge - White (:white_circle:)
Technology! - Light Blue (:large_blue_circle: :white_circle:)
:rocket: - Emoji (Rocket)


Sounds cool, also is BnL “Buy ‘n’ Large” from wall’e (and other Pixar films) or something else?


Yes u are correct.


Finally another Couchman hubtitle idea!!! I like the idea of having a a bit special hubtitle, as you can’t just watch a yt tutorial to get it.


here’s the hub title! (More easier to look at). you can include it in your post if you want the rocket emoji didnt work on the font


Looks good

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This is an obvious addition to the hub. This should’ve been in the game as soon as arcade released. Voted! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I just read B-12 and stray and instantly voted.


What does BnL stand for? Brother-in-law?

Anyway, voted, cool idea, I’ve been meaning to try Stray for a while now.

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Have you not watched wall-e?!? Literally one of the best disney films ever!?! Also im going to preorder stray soon,

Btw edit i just realised walle is from 2008!! And it has 95 metascore!! All critic reviews Positive! And only 107/1951 out of user reviews arent green!! 3rd best pixar film according to metacritic only surpassed by toystory and ratatouille bothe with 96!

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Perfect, I needed to go to the moon with my cutting edge car :smirk:
ok, cool idea, though I don’t know trying to copy the movie, but cool idea so I’m voting :smiley: :v:

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I have watched Wall-E. I don’t remember that because its been a while.

On the ‘moo’ are there space cows? I just realsised something in april fools vote update there is moon with space cows is the moo the canonical minecraft moo’n’

I tried to say moon

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