New Hive Plus Feature

Hive Plus Removal

I think it should be an option to remove or hide hive plus

Hive plus is a rank that provides benefits however I feel that if you recieved it as a gift and did not want it or no longer felt the need for it then it is unfair there is not a way to return it. I am not suggesting a refund system.

I believe if you truly dont want hive plus anymore you should be able to give it away or delete it.


why would you not want it?


There is no reason to refund a rank with many perks. Especially if it is gifted

the only reason that someone wouldn’t want hive+ is if they are trying to max all game modes without it and there is not that many people that try that so it would be a waste of hives time to do this.


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I do like this idea, being able to get remove Hive+ would be super nice. This would also cause for more challenges, like wanting to max a game without Hive+, of course it would still cost money to get it back, but maybe some youtuber will do it for content. I would do it for some games, but I’m too broke for that.


Idk why anyone with Hive+ would want to take their own rank or trade it but sure it feels nice to max out the games without Hive+ but it gives you some cool XP perks and global locker perks to level up faster and i dont see why anyone wouldn’t want that.


Duplicate suggestion:

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Not a duplicate, this one is the ability to be able to remove it.

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just a way to disable the xp boosts/double votes. i don’t see the point in wanting to refund it completely though…

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Some people want to max games without hive+ because it looks more impressive and sweaty.

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I sure do hope “hive plus removal” would be a thing in the future especially the dudes who got gifted hive plus out of nowhere coughs Shulzky


I was always trying to get the max level without Hive+(Even without boosters)