New Game: Trouble in Mineville & New Idea


I wan’t to bring back a java hive minigame. “Trouble in Mineville”, this was an amazing game if you played on the hive java edition. If you have already played the game like me you would know how everything would work. It would just be bringing back the original game and everything else, all thought I do have some suggestions. This would probably be a mixed arcade game but it would be a fun game to add! :blush:

  • Leveling Up
    Since Trouble In Mineville is like Murder Mystery, it would have 1-100 levels, You could level up by gaining exp and playing the game right. Q: How do you play the game right? A: Well back then you could get 3 roles, Innocent, Detective, And Traitor. If you were innocent and you were killing people that were also innocent you wouldn’t get karma (If I remember)

  • Amount of players

To start the game the game would at least require 12-20 players, so the game can be a bit more longer and more of a challenge. There would be 5 Traitors, 3 Detectives, 12-11 Innocents, and a new role… Jester! 1 out of the 12 innocent’s will have a 50-percent chance into turning a Jester, the Jester is a part of the Traitor team and their goal is to get killed by a innocent or a detective, if the Jester gets killed by a innocent that person will be killed along with another person closest to the death (This includes detectives and traitors), if one of the detectives kills the Jester they will be killed. If the jester kills someone they will be killed also, meaning they are kind of useless unless someone falls for their evil scheme.

  • Shop Items

Detective Shop: Smart Kill | Smart kill is used to kill someone random, 20% killing an innocent, 10% killing a fellow detective, 80% killing a traitor. (Jesters Are Not Included) 3 points to use this.

Silverfish Arrows | When getting this you get 4 arrows, each arrow spawns 2 silverfish leading the total to 8 silverfish. This is used to kill traitors more easily. 2 Points.

Role Catcher | Role Catcher is a trap you can put on the ground that traitors or other roles can get caught on, it will reveal their role. This is a visible trap anyone can see meaning it might be hard to catch someone. Sadly though, if they are innocent and get caught in the trap you must kill them to finish the job. If they are Jester you can kill them safely without you yourself or others being killed. 4 points

The Traitor shop is the same as originally. So I won’t be explaining it.

  • Unlocks & Idea
    Also, like any other game. You could get rewards for your locker that you could use. But also! There should be achievements that you can do and you can redeem at Quest Island, these are achievements that you can earn can unlock avatars and titles.
  • Titles
    Achieving Level 17: “The Gaslighter”
    Achieving Level 26: “The Questionable”
    Achieving Level 50: “The Ghost Host”
    Achieving Level 63: “Unknown…”
    Achieving Level 100: “The Apex” (If you’re confused it means highest rank of traitors at least for this minigame.)

  • Achievement Titles
    Kill seven people with a bow in one game: “Master Archer”
    Kill all five Traitors as an innocent: “Am I a traitor now?”
    Get killed by a claymore: “Watch Your Step!”
    Kill someone with creeper arrows: “Tipped Creeper”

By getting Level 100 you will earn a costume, I don’t really know what the costume would be but I would think if the minigame was to be turned into reality I would think the hive would do a good job on the costume :blush:

( I also won’t be adding avatars because I don’t wan’t to show or draw avatars, I’ll let you the viewer to draw some if you’re interested :slight_smile: )

  • Maps

The Hive Lobby (Mini)

The Arcade (Mini)

Mountains (Mountsville): This map is just mountains along with nice and green grass on top and smooth carves, with bridges here and there, this is a somewhat calm and nice looking map which doesn’t go too far on detail.

Hive Themed Lake Village (Hivillage): This map has a village that circles around a nice and big lake, with nice farmland and a lot of nature in it. With nice cherry blossom trees and comfy homes. With Hive like colors and a bee statue in the middle of the lake, cause why not?

Subway: Just a regular subway (Not the resturant), a modern version. Nothing much, hm.

  • Anyways, thank you for listening and if you like the idea please share your opinions about it I hope you’ve had a great day!

Viraire :beedance: :beedance: :cubee: :cubee: :beedance: :beedance:

Okay the only thing I read from this was the roles of the game. This suggestion gives me Murder Mystery vibes but even though this is apparently a Java game… idk if it will be implemented.

Btw I didnt read your whole suggestion since it is very long.

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Well it was a Java game on the Java version of hive before it was shut down. You can probably look on youtube and see gameplay of the game if you don’t understand a couple things. I would kind of suggest reading the whole thing to understand a bit more :sweat_smile:


I’ve edited the “Amount of players” Section. If you have read everything before 9-6 minutes (when this was published). Please go back and re-read :thinking:

bump :beedance: :cubee: :beedance: bump

A bump is when nobody has replied either more than a week, not a couple hours…

oh yeah sorry abt that :sweat_smile:

BUMP (jk, ik its not a bump. Im just enthusiastic.)

I like the idea, would this be a LTM? Also, would you prioritize this over other java games coming to the arcade? Also, I’m still very confused about the game.

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  • Wouldn’t be a LTM. Probably a full game like the original.
  • No I still find other games really fun and I’m really interested in block party’s release.
  • If you’re confused I suggest watching some videos off of the original game but if you’re still confused I can try my best to explain. :blush:

Yeah, a different server may have a word about that.


i don’t get what you mean, trouble in mineville was a game the hive had. now maybe different servers has had the same idea but the hive’s is probably the most known. its a common game tbh.

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Mineville is a different server.

mineville is just a server. not “Trouble In Mineville”. also who talks about that server anyways? its legit just a rich people place. Trouble In Mineville was used anyways with the word “Mineville” in it since 2012. search it up :person_shrugging:

mineville was released in 2019 ( I think ) meanwhile the first sight of Trouble in Mineville was 2012 Not on the hive but another server I think and its based off of Trouble In Terrorist town. Meanwhile the hive I think released it in 2014? Don’t remember but cmon’ its just a name why should we care :blush:

  • btw i don’t know if you read everything but you would know if it was a java game if you did read.

I do really miss playing Trouble in Mineville on Hive’s Java server. I did see a Hive staff member mention a while back that they do not plan to add this game mode on Bedrock Edition, but fingers crossed they may change their minds one day.

Even if they add it as a limited time mode for a Hive anniversary celebration event or something, I will still appreciate Hive briefly bringing it back at least. I grew up playing a lot of Trouble in Mineville from 2013 - 2018, so getting the chance to play it again would be awesome.

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I always wanted to play trouble in mineville but by the time I got a java account it was to late

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mhm! I first got java in 2018, the hive would be the only thing i would play. it was really fun but now since its closing I haven’t really played java again.

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