New Bridge Command: /leavequeue

A lot of times when I am doing something else, I forget to hub after a Bridge game. This leads to me being put in the queue for a bridge game, even though I don’t want to be. This is very inconvenient for me, and other players may be annoyed by this as well. Due to this reason, I am suggesting a /leavequeue command or something similar to it. By doing this command, you will leave the queue for bridge and won’t have to accidentally queue a game of bridge again!

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It’d also be nice to have it in the npc/game selector just like the hub duels.

An item that appears in your hotbar so then if you are slow at typing you wont have to worry, also would make it where you can wonder around the hub instead of rushing to the npc to cancel.

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I was gonna make this suggestion like 2 weeks ago but im too lazy
also vote pls

How about /lq to make it shorter because there’s devices that are really slow at typing…