Nerf the ghosts in Ghost Invasion

Splodg3r, Clank, if anyone is reading this that is on the Hive team right now I’d like one thing from you guys. Please nerf the ghosts in Ghost Invasion.

Nerf the ghosts in some way to make it a bit easier for the humans to win. Here are some examples:

Make the ghosts have less lives
Make zaps ricochet 2 times
Make the time that humans survive into 3 minutes rather than 5 minutes

This would make it soooo much easier for the humans, as I have not seen, nor heard, of humans winning Ghost Invasion. This can bee added for 2025 ghost invasion.

                               Get the joke? "Bee" instead of "be"?

No need, I think the current mechanism is okay. Also I’ve seen Human wins.
Last year I saw two, this year I saw one, just on the third round. This year’s round there’s no trick like staying on a parkour place (or is there? I didn’t see that)
As long as there’s more people good at aiming and be careful about where the ghost is, Human can win. (This game is really suitable for practising aiming)


Yeah same, I experienced 2 this month, one where I got 25 kills

First GI game this year Human win

Yesterday I got 7 human wins
