Nerf "Herobrine" death from crates

Nerf “Herobrine”

I discovered something that needs to be nerfed the other day. So, I was waiting for a supply drop, then I got squashed by it, and my death message was, “Rekrap25701 was killed by Herobrine”
SG supply crate!

I think that “Herobrine” should deal only 10 HP (5 hearts) of damage. This will keep ppl cautious around these supply crates and learn a lesson while not dying.

why would you stand directly under a giant falling crate


Maybe it happened to him because he didn’t know that supply boxes can kill you in the game. It has happened to more than one.
And I suppose the programmers hide it by saying “X person was killed by Herobrine” to save you the humiliation of others finding out that you were defeated by a box. Or they may have hidden it on purpose with that phrase to continue trolling new players.
Don’t you get tired of hurting, programmers? :angry: :angry: :rage:(that last one was a joke :laughing:)


I did the same thing… but you need to do it once and then you’ll never again so I feel like its worth it as a one-time lesson.

Correct, I didn’t know

It is a neash Stategy they wont remove it its cool

Wait a minute… you have a point… why would you stand directly under a giant falling crate?


It could potentially happen that u are under there cuz u have a bow fight etc. the fing that happens more is i think that someone jump up on an pad and someone falls and the person jumping dies xD

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the “lesson” players learn is not to stand under a very heavy crate (this applies to real life also), it’s just a silly Easter Egg that doesn’t need changing.


I love doing this to my teammates who are probably 5 years old.
Next time, use some common sense!

Change it to X was crushed to death by floating box