Nemo Slap translation error

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Nemo slap

Affected Text:
Дурацкий бой, в котором главное оружие - немо с отбрасыванием

Suggested Text:
Веселая, глупая и упорная битва, где главное оружие - Немо

Explanation of Issue:
First of all, there is no such word as «Отбрасыванием» in Russian language. Secondly, the word “Silly” should be translated as «Глупый» instead of «Дурацкий» because the word «Дурацкий» have some kind of offensive meaning and our young players should not see this word. The noun of this word is «Дурак» which can only be translated as a “fool”.

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Hey there,

Thanks for submitting a translation suggestion.

After discussions with our translators, we have decided to go with the following string:

‘Веселая, глупая и полная битва с… Немо с отбрасыванием!’

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face:

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