Murderer should have a cool down for invis after a kill

Murderer should not have the ability to stay invisible after a kill because it make it easier to go on a killing spree while making it harder for people to shoot them and there is no cool down for how much time you can be invisible for so the murderer can just go on a killing while being invisible

Can you pls change it so that there’s a cool down so you can’t go invis after it stop or for how much you can go invisible for

I think some balancing around invis would be nice but removing the ability for the murderer to kill at any point is never a good idea imo


i know i was just piss off after losing a game were the murderer kill the last guy while they were invis that why i made this post

Waaaait, we’re talking about hive murder mystery right? Because this is on hive forums, and as to my knowledge (I’m level 88) I’ve never heard of any kind of invisibility?

You can eat cupcakes in the Backrooms map to have a chance to obtain invisibility (for 5 seconds I believe)

You can also use vending machines in Warehouse and Museum to turn invisible.

Im pretty sure theres more but these are the main ones

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There ain’t no way you’re lvl 88 and you don’t no about invis.