Murder Mystery: You died string - missing space

Affected Language:
French :fr:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Murder Mystery

Affected Text:
[RED]Tu es mort(e)! [GRAY][ITALIC]Tu seras bienôt transporté(e) jusqu’au cimetière…

Suggested Text:
[RED]Tu es mort(e) ! [GRAY][ITALIC]Tu seras bienôt transporté(e) jusqu’au cimetière…

Explanation of Issue:
Between the first sentence and its punctuation needs to be a space as in French, all exclamation marks require a space before and after the punctuation mark.

Screenshots and/or video:

Hello! Thanks for submitting a report! It’s been agreed that the suggested text of adding a space seems to be correct, thank you again for submitting a report!! :soft_cubee: :heartpulse: