Murder Mystery Translation

Affected Language:
Which language does this issue affect?

Affected Service (Game name):
Where is the affected text?
Murder Mystery game name

Affected Text:
Please type the text, exactly as it appears in-game

Suggested Text:
Please type your suggested correction/improvement

Explanation of Issue:
What is wrong with the text, and why would your suggested improvement be better?
“第一次死亡” even though google translate as “first death” but this actually mean the first death you have, I would suggest put “first player that was murdered/first player that was killed” which will be“第一位死亡”

Which “次” and “位” mean completely different things
“次” would be used on items and “位” would be used on person

Screenshots and/or video:
Screenshot of the affected text

Our translators have approved this suggestion, and it will soon be implemented into the game.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations:

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