Murder Mystery translation improvement [German]

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Murder Mystery (Map: Castle Town)

Affected Text:
Hol dir deinen Pfeil bei der Truhe ab

Suggested Text:
Hol dir deinen Zapper-Schuss bei der Truhe ab
Hol dir deinen Zapper samt Munition bei der Truhe ab

Explanation of Issue:
When all the keys have been found, you not only get an arrow from the chest, but also a zapper. However, there is no mention of the zapper, which might lead some to think you only get one arrow which isn’t the case.
And I know if you already have a zapper by collecting 10 coins you wont get a second one from the chest. But I still think the suggested text fits better because it is less misleading.

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting a translation suggestion.

We have decided to keep this string as it is, as it is an accurate translation of the original, English text ‘Claim your arrow at the chest’. Making changes to this string would introduce inconsistency.

If you would like to suggest a change to the English string, so it can be applied to all of our translated text, you can do so by creating a thread in the Suggestions section.