Murder Mystery teleporter (german)

Affected Language:
German :de:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Murder Mystery (maps: Pigment, Spaceship, Remnants,
Chroma, Fairy Garden)

Affected Text:
Warp beginnt. Du kannst 5 Sek. lang nicht erneut warpen!

Suggested Text:
Teleportation beginnt. Du kannst dich 5 Sek. lang nicht erneut teleportieren!
Huuiii! Du kannst dich 5 Sek. lang nicht erneut teleportieren!

Explanation of Issue:
The german word for warp is “Teleportation” which is even used in the Map Manor.
So my first suggestion would be a correct translation for warp.
Or to keep maintain consistency you could simply use the text from Manor (my second suggestion) and use it for the other maps with teleporter since there is a correct translation for warp in it.

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting a translation suggestion.

After discussing your idea with our translators, we have decided to keep the current string, as it is an accurate translation of the English string. Whilst we understand your suggestion of consistency, both ‘warp’ and ‘teleportation’ are widely understood in German, and the strings are different in English as well.

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