Murder Mystery Prestige Feature

Murder Mystery Prestige Should Be Added

Because leveling up in murder mystery is really fast and when you reach level 100 you get bored and grind other games. So add murder mystery prestige 1 - 5 to make it more fun because when you reach level 100 you really cant do anything, since treasure wars and murder mystery have both level 100, i think its best to add it to make it more fun and challenging to lvl 100 players.

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Your suggestion is a duplicate.

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That is true it is boring when u reached max lvl on other game modes and u just don’t know what to do after grinding all game modes to maxed lvl, but some players don’t rlly prestige example treasure wars from me prestiging isn’t rlly an option cuz it takes way to long to grind cuz of how different xp works on different game modes on the hive. but adding prestige isn’t a bad idea

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This is a duplicate suggestion. Be sure to express your interest on the original post: