Murder Mystery individual player search ranking statistic based on wins

Affected Service (Game name, hub or global):
API/Leaderboards (so maybe global?)

What is the bug?
Basically, if you use the player stats search function of the API for Murder Mystery, your rank is based on wins instead of XP. As many players rely upon the individual player search to check their placement on the leaderboards, this is a big problem as many players are getting false information.

Screenshots and/or video:
Normal Murder Mystery leaderboards (how ranking should appear):

Individual stats search (where the actual bug is located):
As you may notice, the player’s ranking is different between the two screenshots. At first, I thought that the two APIs were just simply out of sync, however, I dug deeper.
I sorted the leaderboard by games won:

And when checking the individual statistics of the player with the most wins, I found this:
When in reality, they are #11. This could have just been a fluke, so I checked the second player on the list sorted by wins:
And sure enough, while on the leaderboard it shows that they are rank 58, in the individual stats it returns ranks sorted by wins.
Thank you for reading, hopefully this gets fixed soon!