Murder Mystery Ideas

I think that veteran and new players have realized that Murder Mystery needs something new. It needs attention, and although some of my ideas may be improbable and most likely not completed, that’s okay, I just believe that its wanted by the community and also by me. If you don’t agree than you don’t agree, share this post and add your own ideas in the replies.
I’m going to separate this post into two different sections, my major ideas and my minor ones. Major ones are much bigger updates and/or tweaks I have thought of, and minor are the ones on the smaller end, just as important and ones to be noticed. You probably don’t want to read a whole lot so let’s get on with it.

Major Ideas
New Gamemodes:

  • Murderer or Sheriff FFA (Gamemode)

    • The concept: We have any number of players, most likely 10+ for the chaos aspect of it, and all of them are this set role. All would be either murderers or sheriff. In this gamemode we would use normal maps and interactables while changing up the rules a little bit. As you can guess the last one standing wins, like in any FFA, so we will have to make it so the murderers can kill each other and so the sheriffs can shoot each other. The time limit would be 2-3 minutes
    • It would make sense to lower the shooting time of the sheriff bows (probably to 2.5 sec) and the Murderer throwable’s to (5 sec) to allow for more action packed rounds
    • You could implement the use of win streaks into it
      • Pros:
        • Would be roughly equal competition for all skill levels
        • All you really need to know is how to aim
        • Will be a fun and competitive gamemode
      • Cons:
        • PC players may have a slight edge, but overall anyone can play and get good with practice
          *Cheaters could use hacks to exploit the heavy accuracy based portion of the gamemode
  • Murderer VS Sheriff (Gamemode - Team FFA)

    • The concept: You have two teams, the murderer team and the sheriff teams. Most likely a 5v5 or 10v10 due to the map size, but the sides must be even. Another FFA essentially, but team mode, the last remaining one or more players of a certain team secure the victory for that team and the team with none remaining looses.
    • Due to how sheriffs would have an easy advantage by sniping people in the start, I believe it would make sense to lower the throwables time to match the Sheriff or make it faster (or make sheriff reload time slower depending on how test runs go)
    • Similarly, to ensure fluid gameplay, it would be appropriate that there is no friendly fire and projectiles are either blocked if they encounter a player on the same team or pierce through the player
      • Pros:
        • Change in pace
        • Allows for team building and friendly competition
        • Would allow players to practice their aim and the evasion of hits
      • Cons:
        • Strategies could be exploited to allow for unfair starts or easy wins, against the purpose of roughly even competition
          *Cheaters could use hacks to exploit the heavy accuracy based portion of the gamemode
  • “Targeting Encouraged” (Gamemode)

    • The concept: Hypixel Assassins
      • Pros:
        • Change in pace
        • Would be a really fun gamemode and make for very fun competition
        • Constant adrenaline as you have no idea where your person is or where your hunter is
      • Cons:
        • I’m pretty sure Hypixel owns the idea and Hive may face trouble if they copy the idea
        • Probably not gonna happen because of ^^^
  • A Murder Mystery Lobby To Encompass all those gamemodes

Minor Ideas

  • Knife Skins:
    • I’m not sure if this is a possibility considering Hypixel may have coined the idea, however, considering the knife skins may be created by you (the Hive), community, or Minecraft itself, I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t necessarily be a problem.
    • Considering getting Murderer is literally in the name of the game, you see that little iron sword quite often. And yes, I understand that I could just download a resource pack that people have made because so many people want it, but most people don’t use those packs, and everyone is stuck with just the sword at the end of the day.
    • To be honest, I don’t really care what kind of skins they are, customized, straight from Minecraft, or themed relating to the time of year, I just feel like it would really be nice and spruce things up for the gaming community. Besides, you could use these skins to make profit by listing them on the Hive Store, or by encouraging people to play and unlock them by making them unlockable via level ups.
  • New projectile trails: (overall)
    • This could just be me, but I feel like the projectiles are very much overused and quite repetitive among all Hive Games, you have the classic GG, Hearts, different colors, and all that. But i feel like the time is right for some renovations. I know how much the Hive loves to customize their items and sprites, so maybe you could add trails and sprites that relate to the time of year, or even just more variety.
    • Honestly, I would love a projectile trail that was just sprites of bread :stuck_out_tongue:
    • These could be used across all games as well and also you could make profit off of them if you really really wanted too.
  • Ghost colors:
    • I think all MM players know just how long it takes to get those ghost colors. And some of them like “Blue” at I believe level 89, is honestly barely noticeable. So I propose this idea: to have not only more colors, but introduce the ghost colors at level 65, not only would the much larger quantity of colors allow for players to further customize to their likings, but would allow for the commitment of a player if they want a certain shade of the color.
    • My example of what the new colors for leveling would look like: White (lvl: 65), Light red (68), Red(70), Maroon (73), Dark orange (75), Orange (78), Gold (80), Yellow (83), Lime (85), Green (88), Blue (90), Dark Blue (93), Pwurple (95), Rainbow (Not animated or animated, up to you) (100)

That’s all for my ideas, if you like it make sure to spread the word and upvote. I would be infinetely grateful if we would be able to make some of my ideas a reality and I think everyone would benefit from these possible updates. Lmk what you think!!

All of the minor ideas have been suggested before but the gamemodes sound fun so i’ll vote


I would like to see you make the main weapon changeable different weapons different way to murder innocent players sword you can spam swing or maybe have the sword and the throwable but replaced with a Trident you can spam swing it after you throw it but you can throw it after you spam swing it. Crossbow both the Murderer and the Sheriff can have one but it has multishot


The minor swords idea has been suggested, here is my post on it(basically just concept art) New swords/bows
Anyway, I really like this idea and you seem to have put a lot of time into making this suggestion. Voted!


That would work for like a whole other gamemode, maybe like MM Kits. I’m referring to using completely different items as murder weapons, for instance, carrots, blocks, different tools other than sword, custom sprites, flowers, etc etc

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This idea is like Very good keep it up Cobra !!!
I am supporting this idea and adding a love to your suggestion !!!