Murder mystery description wrong in russian, english

Affected Language:
russian, english idk about other languages

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
murder mystery description

Affected Text:
last team standing wins.
выигрывает последняя оставшаяся команда.

Suggested Text:
innocents win by shooting the murderer or time runs out,
murderer wins by killing everyone.
Выигрывает неввиный если Стрельнули убийца или время прошло,
Выигрывает убийца если всех убьёт
Explanation of Issue:
last team standing wins isn’t for murder mystery, it isn’t about the last team, it’s about figuring out who’s the murderer

Screenshots and/or video:
can i send it from mediafire ?

Hey there,

Thanks for submitting a bug report.

This is the intended text and translation, as it simply conveys that the last remaining team standing wins the game. In this case, the teams are the innocents and the murderer.

Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face: