Murder Mystery cs settings

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
Murder Mystery (Custom Server → Server Controls (Use) → Game Settings → Coins)

What is the bug?
It says you can set three settings for coins: spawn rate, maximum number of coins on the map and the cost of a zapper. However, only two of them can be adjusted: the spawn rate and the zapper cost. So there is no setting for the maximum coins on the map.
I’m not entirely sure if it goes into the server bug report, but I wanted to note it here since it’s more or less a bug of the server.

Device(s) & Version
Win10/11 Laptop
Version 1.20.62

Screenshots and/or video:

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Hey there :wave:

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. It has been logged and you can look forward to a fix in a future update.

Stay safe and well


This issue has been fixed :tada: