Murder Mystery Arrow Glitching Out

Murder Mystery:
Arrow in MM glitching out

What is the bug?
For some reason sometime when im sheriff or innocent and I pull back my bow the arrow glitches out leaving only the bow in my hotbar. I think what may have caused this is when I pulled back my bow I hotkeyed to 1 - 9 on the hotbar.

Device(s) Win 10, MCPE, Console & 16.100
(Pretty sure this has happened in previous versions, also sorry if this a dupe report)

Screenshots and/or video:
I don’t have a screenshot or video yet but I do remember today recording it happening to me a couple of times. Screenshot/Video coming soon


Hey there :wave:

Thank you for submitting a bug report.

I have logged this issue and it will be looked into by our developers soon :slightly_smiling_face: