Multi shot crossbow

After going back to a corruptnnn video where he was given a multishot bow from an admin, I saw how this can fit in sg but in the form of a crossbow.

Reason why this should be added is because it helps people who have terrible aim (controller and mobile) to have a better chance of hitting their shots, in a game like sg with the battlegrounds being open people can just swerve away from arrows so therefore make it a challenge.

This also once again should be a crossbow and not a regular bow, since the regular bow can be incredibly op since there’s no downtime like with a crossbow.

I like the idea of turning sg into more of a ranged pvp game as well, and hopefully this idea could be the start.

I play on controller and my aim is actually pretty good.

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many dont lol

I mean since you already assumed that mobile and controller players have bad aim, this probably still wont help with their aim issue since they can still miss

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I’m not assuming since I used to play controller for a solid 2 years and could not use a bow that well, at least with a multishot crossbow it gives a better chance of hitting your shots as long as you are somewhat close to your target

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Ground wars is a AMAZING way to better your aim, its a very very very very good way. Sure, groundwars isn’t fun at all, but it’s great practice still.

I would vote but the thing about crossbows is you’re able to have them loaded. So, having a inventory full of loaded crossbows would just ruin the game even more.

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They can implement cooldowns for them, so I don’t think it’s that big of an issue.