More XP for killing the murderer

More XP for killing the murderer :bow_and_arrow:

You should get more XP for killing the murderer.


Killing the murderer as of now only gives 30XP, as much XP as:

2 murderer kills :hocho:

15 coins :coin:

3 Minutes survived :heart:

With the current amount of XP given, the sheriff is encouraged to collect coins (thus letting innocents die) and then kill the murderer for optimal XP.

My idea :bulb:

Sheriffs should get no XP for collecting coins, and the XP gained from shooting the murderer should be
15 XP for each innocent alive

This would encourage the sheriff to kill the murderer as soon as possible, while not being to op for players that pick up the sheriff hat to kill the murderer immediately late game.

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I’m going to bump this, if you have any opinion, please comment so that the hive can see this.

dunno if this is going to work, edit bump (17 ,8 ,23)

I agree, killing the murderer should definitely give more XP than it currently does. You get my vote :smiley:


As someone that wants to grind mm but it gets boring easily got my vote.

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If you find MM boring I don’t know why you’re grinding it :person_shrugging: I think the current state of the MM xp system is pretty well balanced.