More XP for Just Build games

So I’m one of those people who are trying to get max level on every game on the hive. I think that getting max level for Just Build takes quite a long time and something that is really tedious to grind to only get 20 experience (I have the Hive+ rank) or even sometimes less, in solos, per game. So I’m suggesting that you gain more XP per game of Just Build because getting 19000 experience would just be awful. I hope you at least consider it. Thanks for reading.

Just Build is here to stay. From what I know, it’s a permanent Hive gamemode. Leaving the xp the way it is gives you something to work towards! I’m sure they already considered it when the levels were being made.

I suggest playing with someone you know to pass the time better.

Obviously the hive is open to suggestions, and I do like the suggestion! Just things like that tend to stay concrete. :slight_smile: :+1:


Thank you for the information and advice!

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I agree with @ImPizzas bc lets say you got 400xp in a round you would then get to Max Level extremely quickly and if you did get to Max Level that quickly you would soon get bored because (imo) leveling up is part of the fun!

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I agree that 400 xp is way to much, maybe something like 50-75 would still be a huge improvement

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okay bunp
i have something important to say
so leveling up in jb is really annoying and i want t get more lvls. i think multiplying the xp gain in jb by around 3-4 would be good. i earn around 15-25 xp per game and that way ill increase by around 60-100 xp per game.

Just don’t max if it’s so hard… it’s that simple. I don’t think they should change how much xp you get, because people would stop playing. The games are made for you to play them, enjoy them, if you don’t like a minigame don’t force yourself to max it.

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it’s not that. I’m trying to max all minigames.

players tend to vote really unfairly so I think you should get more xp from ratings.


Either do it, or don’t go it, there’s no point in complaining that it’s too hard. If it was so easy, nobody would do it because it wouldn’t be rare after a while.


ngl it should be a little easier. not much xp but your xp gain is increased by 20% maybe?