More upwards height to insta-leap spellbook

Give more vertical leap (upwards leap) to Insta-Leap spellbooks.

As most of you may know, a new spellbook by the name of Insta-Leap has been added into Sky Royale. It’s a one-time use spellbook.
Currently, the Insta-Leap has a lot of horizontal leap and distance - very like the feather in Deathrun.
However, I would like it to have much more vertical (upwards) leap to it. This would make the Insta-Leap spell much more fun to use. There are many scenarios where the ability to jump over your opponent like this would be very handy.

interesting idea, although seeing as its a LTM game mode i wouldn’t be surprised if they yeet all suggestions related to it just like they did with, say, ghost invasion.


I want this so bad I keep missing the dang island smh


This is a great idea!

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