More things in MM

Continuing the discussion from Something for 20 coins in mm:


So what if you had more items like @Bubblez705 Stun Gun or maybe a Leap or maybe after 15 coins an extra arrow instead of 20 as @Superlife1247 suggested or maybe a Deku Nut from Zelda that dazes/blinds people, or super arrows that have radius for the 20 coins instead!!!

EDIT: Coin Compasses!!! so basically they point to the nearest/best coin there are settings on it to change this or maybe variants

More information:

Stun Gun, Leap and Deku Nuts would be dispensed from a prize machine for 10 coins at random in selected maps, prize macine may vary in size and shape and may also be limited to sertain maps…

Interesting idea, but I think it may be a little too OP…

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Which parts??

For how long?

I dont know

Bump cus coin compass