More murder mystery maps!

Idea: Murder Mystery maps based on the new Minecraft lush cave or deep dark

Although Murder Mystery was just updated with new maps but if Hive decides to add more maps to the game in the future then I would like to suggest adding maps on the lush cave or the deep dark It would be so cool playing the game in the caves, just imagine :star_struck:

Nice idea… but note that these would be added later in time. Hive is already doing a map update in a lot of games, and since they already did MM, now we need to wait.

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This might happen in a while because we pretty much just got Backrooms and more. Great idea though!


I always like the idea of more maps for my favorite games!

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I have already mentioned that in the first line of the paragraph -_-


I just wanted to remind you that :pleading:
And also you should be polite…

Don’t disrespect @Daviditaly64 he was just saying.


Why do you think
“-_-” this symbol of neutral is rude, I’m sorry if that hurt you I didn’t mean it
and thanks @Panda_Girl9366 for standing up for me <3


Voted! I would love a couple new maps for MM, but they just added some, so I think it would be awhile before this happens. still a great idea though!

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yeah thanks for the vote <3

That’s literally not the same at all, sure he suggests adding more maps on mm from Hide and seek but here I have said a completely different thing my guy.

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@SmileyOnSpot @Shravan012
Don’t argue. After all is up to :splodger: and others to decide…

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