More microhub parkours

The SkyWars microhub was released over a month ago, and along with it came two parkour courses, which could get repetitive.
I propose that Hive adds more parkour courses around the big microhub so us (the players) don’t get bored of the same 2 ones.
Maybe 2 or 3 more would be nice.

This too :point_up_2:
Vote if you agree. =D

I wouldn’t say skywars hub, but I would definitely say the main hub. There is only like 3 parkours there, and adding more around the map would be better. But for the skywars hub, there is not a lot of space there, so three parlours seem better for it.
I like the idea though, so voted! :ballot_box:


Maybe 2 more parkours for the SkyWars microhub, but i do agree that the main hub needs more too. But thanks for voting :ballot_box:


I decided to add your idea to the post because i still want to keep my life.

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Yes, please. I already got 24 seconds on the islands parkour and 59 on the underground one, so pls add this.

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Thanks for voting! Also, nice best times!

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voted also I think they need to update the main hub parkours to be like the sky wars micro hub ones

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Yes, and there could be different kinds! Also, thanks for voting. :ballot_box:

I love parkours now because KBM :smiley: I would love more. I get so bored easily

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