More Items•-•

Examples For more items:

Flag Decoy: Puts flag holder icon above your character for a few seconds

Trampoline: Basically a slime block to make maps like altara more traversable adding another layer of combat

Book of invisibility: Sneak into enemy bases ~ Could leave particles on to balance

and so on•-•/

Two things:

  1. How many seconds
  2. Is it an upgrade or what. And if it is how much the upgrade costs?

Probably just an item, Havin a upgrade sounds lil broken•-• and the longer the effect the more it should cost lets say 45 seconds probs should cost around 80 coins


45 seconds sounds a bit broken, I would say 10 at most. 80 coins is a good price still.



While this post is probably fine, for future reference remember that you should keep to one suggestion per topic (See the Rules).

This is so that when people vote for a topic they know exactly what they are voting for. You could even just make 3 new topics each with only one of these ideas.

Just something to keep in mind :blobheart:


While this is preferred, it could be said that the idea is to add more items and the items listed are only examples.


Wait how was this bumped it says feb 23 and there are no edits?

Anyway would it be an item the flag decoy and it could be maybe 15 seconds and maybe a few ways to tell the difference also what about the MASSIVE arrows above the flag holder

Edit this was a draft from ages ago so the bump that i saw was a while back