Mobile ender chest


The mobile ender chest would be a shop items you can buy for 3 emeralds. It would give you an item to open you enderchest whenever you want. This gives you the ability to save items.


You can interact with the item and the ender chest will open.
This could be useful when farming emeralds or diamonds. So if you are being attacked or just want to reset, then you can put the items into the enderchest.

I don’t really understand the use of this, could you explain?


Surely this defeats the whole purpose of having loot in the game!?
Personally I think this feature would make this game far too unbalanced: being able to instantly bank loot would lose the functionality of the game and make players too OP :person_shrugging:
While this would be a cool feature on your end, it would make it very frustrating when fighting other players


Uh. Sorry, but can you please put more explanation into this post. Like, how would you like this to affect Treasure Wars? What is the purpose of this idea? Just like @ZapOLightnin said," it would make it very frustrating when fighting other players" that is 100% true because the loot you have is somewhat meant for other players to have while defeating you. Let’s just say you lost to a kid who you were trying to end their whole career. (but I’m not a rapper)

And you just had one big stash up something that you lost. What would be the point of it. Plus, don’t we already have an ender chest we can store stuff in? Right on our base, we have an ender chest that we can put stuff in. What would be the point of having ANOTHER chest to store our stuff? Smell what I’m cooking?


Dang. You just hit him with that with no thought.

I don’t understand this either. Don’t you have a regular chest you can use to store stuff in? It’s not like an ender chest but it’s still there.


For real bro.

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Hi Zap!

I agree, it would be unfair to you if someone has a diamond sword and they just stashed it before you could kill them. It would make it too complicated. And, 3 emeralds is not a lot.

Good idea! Dont forget you can vote for your own posts!