MM throwable idea: ice cream cone


chill innocents with this ice cream cone :cold_face: , it also comes in 6 different flavours

Cookies and cream
Rocky road




Cookies and cream


Rocky road

Complied into one

To unlock each invidiual one, here are the levels u need to reach to unlock
Prestige 1: Chocolate
Prestige 2: Strawberry
Prestige 3: vanilla
Prestige 4: Cookies and cream
Prestige 5: pistachio or rocky road (choose either one only)


@Blockbyblock98: added cookies and cream variant
@Diamondszz99847: made the idea where u need to reach a certain Prestige to unlock each variant
@FireFox_onMC suggested pistachio or mint and chips variant
@Stellar6666 suggested coffee or rocky road variant

Mmmmmmm :smile: yummy! This I think is a good idea! Voted!

But how would you get the different variants?

OOH! I GOT A IDEA! (Warning this might be very bad or very good) maybe for each prestige a flavor is unlocked? :icecream:

Is there cookie and cream? I like vannila too so i will nomnom them

I might include that soon too so stay tuned, but yes there would be Cookies and cream

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Thanks for adding me! Wait you might need to add another flavor for prestige 1? @SpringPea100 :soft_cubee: :beedance:

Um it still says 3 so put it to 5 with mint &chip or pistachio

How about rocky road or coffee ice cream? Anyway great models, voted!

Cool idea, Voted!

Updated the list

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Nah you cant mix two together?

If i instead change it into an either or option, meaning that the player have to choose one only would it be better assuming u are talking about what i did for the prestige 5 concept or i need to stick to only one reward per level


Changed to an either or option for the pres 5 one

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what level would you unlock it on like would you unlock it on prestige or at a certain level in the prestige?

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What about mint choc chip?!

@Diamondszz99847 it will be unlocked at Prestige

Idea! Before you prestige when you’re at level 100 you just have the cone.