Misspelled word “Kills” in Hub/Arcade Games

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Hub/Arcade games

Affected Text:

Suggested Text:

Explanation of Issue:
All of the statistics are in one case except the “Kills”. Only in Murder Mystery it is spelled correctly. It is also better to keep one template for the “Kills” in all games. Affected games: SkyWars, Capture The Flag, Deathrun, Survival Games, The Bridge, Treasure Wars, Ground Wars

Screenshots and/or video:

Hey there :wave:

Thank you for suggesting an improvement for our translations!

I have forwarded this suggestion to our professional translators to be verified.

Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey there :wave:

Our translators have approved this suggestion, and it will soon be implemented into the game.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations:

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