Minimap in the hub

Here is an idea for a useful change in the hub.

Add a map item in your hotbar that you can see the entire hub in and where you are.

This would allow you to search for items more easily, so that you can know where you have been.
You can also use it to find your way back to a cool area or something like that.

Anyway, that’s basically it. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback!

As big as the hub is they should, its massive and would be cool to see where everyone is, and also mark on the map previously found Lunar Banners so you can find them easier!


Is that the actual map?
Also great concept, I’ll add it to the post if you want


I always thought of this but never made a post


Cause the hub is massive, and with Hives glyph, they can find a way to add icons on the map, and also make it where when you find an egg, its marked on your map.

Spoiler (Fixed)


I like your map but im still doing the hunt sooo


I love the map idea and your map concept, but I don’t think it should show the eggs or other event items because everyone should search them themselves.

Otherwise, everyone who completes a hunt will share the map everywhere, which would ruin the fun of searching


Add the hunt things that youve found and also where your friends ar (toggleable) and there was something else but i firgot!!!

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Bumped I love this idea.

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And on the Map it could also show with an arrow the movement you have done on a Mount, i’ve seen this Feature in a mod