Making "Shapes" A Medium Or Hard Difficulty

I dont know if its just me but I find the shapes easy map way too hard. I feel like it should be a medium or hard map.

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So I personally don’t play gravity much, but I could see that people might want this change.
This might be a dupe, but I cannot find it.
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Unrelated but: what is the amount of votes thingy? cuz i vote for something and it says 8 votes left what does that mean?


That means that you can only vote for a certain amount of topics, because you are a new user.
If you want to ask more questions I would recommend messaging me privately

nah shapes is pretty easy
if there was a level between easy and med though that would work imo

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shape is an easy one actually, for me the maps should be moved out of easy should be apartments and depths (maybe jungle as well?

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