Make the (american) soccer field usable

Add a moveable soccer ball in the arcade hub that you can push and punch. It will be more like another microgame.

When you push it, it will move and roll with you, having physics that look realistic. When you punch it, it flies in the air quickly and gets launched 5-10 blocks in the direction you punched it. Obviously, you won’t be able to kick the ball out of the field, there will be a barrier or something that will launch it back whenever it goes out.

When you get it a goal, it will do a firework or something in the goal to show that you scored. Maybe you can have a point system, so whenever you score it shows it in the top right of your screen.

This would probably be super hard to program, but I think modeling it off of boombox physics would help a lot.

Ok that is all, goodbye :))

This is the field I am talking about

NOTE: this would most likely mean the removing of the golden mailbot in the goal frame, but I think it would look better in the stands. So the hive can keep the general area for it, they would just move it over 10-20 blocks. @Akricap suggested that it can be moved up 5 blocks to on top of the goal, which also works well


that would be a pretty cool idea voted


Great idea, but another possibility is just moving it on top of the goal. Also, voted!


I like that idea better lol


Good idea, this would give more purpose to the soccer area.


Sounds cool! Maybe after playing it enough times you could get a hub title called “True E-Sports” or something.


What about “touches grass”. (That also could be a cool kill message, “player made dead guy touch some grass”)


I would like this, maybe something like hypixel’s soccer/football.


This was planned but time constraints meant it was never implemented. If we ever get some spare time, I’d love to see this added. However, I think we’d all agree we’d prefer game updates and new stuff as a priority.

So - approved, kind of maybe yes? Just depends if we get time.