Make „Office“ a less frequent map the map pool


Office is just an overplayed map.
Like every second time I play MM this map wins the vote.
There might be many people which like this map, but its just too much!

More information:

Almost every time this map is in the map pool it wins with like 6 votes.
By making it more rare, other maps will have higher chances to be played mor often

I wholeheartedly agree. I often get put into a lobby with a bunch of people who want Office, and stay in that group for a while so it’s just Office. Office. Office. Oh, Warehouse! Am I out of that group? Oh, nope. Office.


honestly just remove the map entirely, replace it with a modified version of the replay studio or office from hide and seek


No, absolutely don’t do that. They wouldn’t remove an entire map because some people don’t like it. People do like the map very much and would not like for it to go away for this reason.


The map’s really bland, has almost no coin operated items, and only gets voted on because of “tHe sUS VenTS” Why is this map so popular for no reason?


The map itselft is okay.
They shoud not remove it, because many players like it.
Just make it more rare, so that it’s not played that often and
other maps have a higher chance of being voted!

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It’s a old map with a very bad design for the murderer. Basically anywhere the murderer tries to kill someone they will be caught by a few people instantly. The long hallways also make it where anyone with a bow can easily kill the murderer since it’s a long and empty with nowhere for the murderer to take cover. Which is why it’s so popular, easy to grind on since the murderer has such a disadvantage.


it gets voted bc its small and people think faster games = more xp, also bc it rewards corner camping in 3rd person the most outa any map and lots of controller and pc players love to abuse that to get free elims.
Its actually closer to 4th best for xp, at low level its great for murd at high level its insane for inno/sher (1v1 @Shadeviera if u don’t believe me, they will camp you out so hard you will also want the map to be gone). The thing its very good for tho is grinding wins for lb.

obv they’re not gunna remove a map but they could def change it a bit to nerf corner camping (add glass panes to some corners or smth), they could also add a 15 second invis machine in bathrooms which would make the map a lot less campy. As it is now it is a very unfun map unless you don’t regularly play mm or you abuse the aforementioned parts of the map (some people just like it bc they play it alot too)


i dont like office. its so gray.


Well the MM map update is up next though.
I think it would kind a make office less frequent? :thinking:

I think the MM update would have many QOLs!! I can’t wait to see the maps also! :blush:


How, do you know this, BACKROOMS?