Make leaves Match!

Here the image map with acicia leaves ability to pick aciaca leaves not oak. Cause

For me i can tell the difference idk about others…So
Just make the leaves match the leaves in the game pleaseee who agree with me vote

What? I’m sorry but I don’t understand this suggestion. Please explain more.

You know like maps in hide and seek like boardwalk right they have different tree leaves.
And the problem is that you can spot it especially jungle leaves which is used on most maps.

Oh yeah. Now, I understand. It has always been that, mostly when you move your character next to a leaf. The leaf that you voted to be, only looks more obvious to you. But to the seekers and other hiders, it doesn’t.

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if im a hider main i would agree
but it makes me easier to memorize map, especially for some maps with complex leaves spots, so no : )

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none of the leaves u can play as match the leaves on the map, making them match the map would make the game more fair since they’d no longer stand out so obviously. This seems reasonable, voted!


This is what i mean by make leaves match thank god someone understood if u dont understand this reply is a great explanation.:grinning:

As a seeker main, I would agree because it would make the game more interesting and difficult to learn and such but I think slightly differing leaves textures help with newer players as leaves are usually the most abundant block on every map.

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yea but hide should reward hiding more than other forms of gameplay, so making the leaves match only makes sense.