Make It Possible To Remove Specific Items

My idea is for CS to have an update again.

Currently, you can’t do much in CS. I want to change small things, like removing the Nemo in Skywars, but then I would have to remove the emerald ore. Or if I don’t want snowballs in CS, I would have to REMOVE CHEST. This is where my idea comes in:

make it so you could remove items, not all in one. Like, I want to remove one item.

Makes sense. There are very specific ways people like to play, and i can respect that. I would like to see how funny a game of skywars with only snowballs and nemos would be.


Bump, i actually really want this to happen. Maybe they could do it like in smash bros ultimate where the items are on a grid and you select and deselect the items you want. hmm


yeah that would be cool vote if u agree and if u REALLY want this to be a thing show this to more players


Put this in #suggestions:custom-servers


k i just did thanks for the feed back



this is good suggestion

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Agreed. I would love mm customization as well


I honestly don’t see a need in this happening. The Hive Dev’s intention was to make a huge, major update so that they wouldn’t need to spend even more time making a new one just a year after the last update.

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Thanks for the feedback.

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Me To. Thanks for the feedback.

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well IMO custom servers should have more customization.

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