Make it impossible 2 accidentally drop your pick in the void

I have literally accidentally done this so many times and ofc there is no way to get it back unless you kill someone. Just make it impossible to do it. IN RESPONSE TO THE COMMENTS: I meant it more like you cant drop the only pick you have in your inventory. if you get a second one it can drop, it just prevents you from losing the only one you have

Unfortunately, I don’t see this happening.
Some people may want to drop their pickaxes if they have too many from other players.
Of course they could make your pickaxe un-droppable, but there are still reasons a player may want to drop their pickaxe:

  • If they are doing some sort of no-pickaxe challenge
  • If they kill a player whom has a diamond pickaxe, and no longer wants their original

Just because you drop your pickaxe a lot doesn’t mean Hive needs to make the pickaxe unable to be dropped. What if someone has an extra pickaxe in their inventory or someone wants a diamond pickaxe like Zpc said?


Settings>keyboard and mouse>keybinds and change your “Drop Item” key to a different one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Make it a toggle and it will be a great addition! Lock in inventory, not no dumb lock in slot. And it only locks the original one you get at the start.


Yeah thats actually a better idea

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