Make Clock Usable by Coins in Toy House


Make the clock in toy house usable by coins.

More information:

The clocks constantly get spammed and produce lag, so making them available for 5 coins could help. It could also give a speed effect so it’s not useless like it currently is.

i play on switch, and i’ve never experienced any lag. Besides, toy house barely gets picked anyway and the clock isn’t even that loud so i don’t think it’s that much of a problem


its loud if u hav it on high volum but its not loud on my tv

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Yeah, they could do this but it’s a kinda pointless feature no offense

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I play on Switch too, it may just be something with the WiFi. Toy House does get picked when it’s a seasonal map, the only reason it’s not getting picked is because it’s Winterfest and the new maps came out. It can be loud, especially with the spam.

This ^^

The volume can differ depending on your speaker and volume.

None taken!